Reico & Partner Vertriebs GmbH

is a family business from the Allgäu region that specialises in the production and direct marketing of species-appropriate and high-quality animal feed and nutritional supplements for humans and animals.

Founded in 1992 by the animal healer Konrad Reiber, the company benefits from over 50 years of experience with the sales of animal feed and over 50 years of experience with the development of food supplements. Today, responsibility in the company is already borne by the next generation, personified by the founder's daughters, Manuela Kunz and Petra Reiber.

Reico's mission is the health and well-being of nature, humans and animals. A unique algae mixture, which restores the body's natural mineral balance, is the basis of all Reico products. High-quality and natural raw materials as well as the unique manufacturing processes in which high-quality herbs are micronised through a particularly gentle process creates a very special and effective product. Reico's feed is not only well-tolerated, but also nutritious. As a result, nothing stands in the way of an adequate nutrition for your four-legged friends.

The personal advice and support of customers is particularly important to Reico. For this reason, the products are offered exclusively through personal direct sales. Reico's sales partners offer individual advice and are oriented towards the needs of humans and animals.

Your well-being is our main concern. This is why we have combined the best that nature has to offer in our unique food supplements to restore the mineral balance in your body. Our product range is based on more than 30 years of scientific research into the fundamentals of the natural cycle of minerals and trace elements.

Mineral balance: what is it actually? And what is it good for?

Mineral balance means there is a balance between activating and regulating minerals in the body. We get these minerals from our nutrition. Natural enzymes in food help the body break down unwanted or excess substances and thus create or restore balance. 

If your body's minerals are in balance, the acids and bases in your body are also in balance. This optimum condition allows the immune system to function perfectly. This is the basis for fitness, well-being, and vitality.

How is mineral imbalance created?

Mineral imbalance may arise by over-fertilisation of soils during industrial agricultural production. Mainly activating minerals are added to the soil which affect the nutritional content of the crops later harvested.

In our view, this results in an imbalance that can be passed on to humans and animals through their diet. The result of this: the body's natural balance between acids and bases is disrupted. If there is too much acid, the body plunders the minerals it has stored up in your bones, skin, hair, teeth, and joints. Permanent demineralisation can also lead to a weakening of the immune system. If you try to counteract demineralisation by taking individual minerals, this can again cause an imbalance.

How can you prevent mineral imbalance?

The supply of alkaline minerals via a varied and balanced nutrition can compensate for over-acidification in your body. Reico's products are, of course, particularly suitable for this.

If you have any questions, please ask your Reico sales partner.

At Reico, we work and live according to values that we have developed together with our employees and sales partners. These values are our roots, which give us support even in turbulent times. 

This means we are all responsible for the well-being of humans, animals and our environment. Our actions focus on this.

Respect and appreciation, trust and loyalty are the foundation of our partnership. Working independently is the basis for all employees at Reico. 

We think and act in a solution-oriented manner in order to be able to offer our customers a customised solution.

We are looking for dedicated employees for our sales team!


Are you looking for a new self-employment with flexible working hours and attractive income? Do you value high-quality, natural products for soil, plants, animals, and humans?

Then you have come to the right place. We at Reico have specialised in the sale of products, which bring the soil, plants, animals, and humans in their mineral balance. Our products range from food for animals to cosmetics for humans. Since 2003, we rely on direct sales, since we are convinced that personal advice and optimal service are best served on-site with our customers.

Since 2006, we are a member of the Federal Association of Direct Sales. Its guidelines are binding for our actions. Whether an experienced salesperson or a beginner, whether full-time or as a side job - we offer you the opportunity to be your own boss and be successful with us. You will take care of the consultation and the sale, and we deliver the products directly from our headquarters to the customers.

Starting with Reico is quite easy, since you require little start-up capital and no previous knowledge. We will train you optimally. The fixed costs are also low. Our compensation system is based on the principles of network marketing. More detailed information can be found in our multi-level marketing plan.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Then find out preferably still today about your chances at Reico and start right away!

Your Benefits

  • Frequently tested, simple business model
  • Fair partnership (we have been a BDD member since 2006)
  • Fair commission model
  • Long-term passive income through recurring customer orders
  • Low starting capital and low fixed costs
  • Reliable shipping of the goods and billing with the customer directly via Reico
  • No previous knowledge required, we train you optimally
  • State-of-the-art training methods and tools
  • Car bonus in Germany and Austria for special performance

We look forward to hearing from you!

The suffering of people and animals affected by the war in Ukraine is dramatic. We want to help and have decided to support both people and pets with donations.

For each of our sales partners who received a commission from us in January 2022, amounting to exactly 8235, one euro goes to Humedica. We have been trusting this aid organisation, which is headquartered in nearby Kaufbeuren, for a long time and regularly support it with donations. Humedica focuses on medical emergency and disaster relief assistance. Humedica emergency personnel and relief transports with medical supplies, food and other aid supplies, such as warm blankets, are currently on their way to Ukraine to help people fleeing the country.

For Ukrainian pets in need, we are donating 2000 euros to the animal protection organisations PETA Germany and 2000 euros to the World Society for the Protection of Animals. In addition, we are supporting the work of Gut Aiderbichl's animal rights activists with two pallets of dog food.

PETA Germany and Gut Aiderbichl are currently sending vans with pet food, medicine, and aid to Ukraine and the cross-border regions. The animal rights activists are rescuing, securing and caring for the animals on site.

The World Organisation for the Protection of Animals has produced multilingual information material for refugees with pets, as well as donated animal feed and hygiene supplies. It also plans and supports further animal welfare campaigns in the cross-border regions and for refugees with pets arriving in Germany.

You can find up-to-date information about the campaigns on the following websites:

With our donations, we want to support various organisations, because each of them does valuable work to alleviate suffering on site.

Our bee project "Reico summt"

In line with our goal of creating "balance in the natural cycle", we support the Allgäu flower meadow project "Summ-Summ".

We are thrilled to announceour partnership with the "Herzgespann" initiative to sponsor approximately 60,000 native bees."Herzgespann" has been committed for years to preserving regional bee populations and creatinghabitats in the form of flower meadows. Thanks to this initiative, since 2019, we have also beenable to establish a 1000 square meter wildflower meadow, which serves as a habitat and foodsource throughout the year not only for bees but also for bumblebees and butterflies.